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Acacia Hotel, Alabang

27 May

Image from the Acacia Hotel Manila website

One weekend we just had this spur of the moment urge to spend a night in a hotel. So we searched the internet for a hotel where we can stay which is well, near our homes. So we ended up at Acacia Hotel Manila (in Alabang) which we coincidentally had a voucher for Acaci, their buffet restaurant. Talk about good timing.

I was a bit excited when I was driving to the hotel and I admit I am expecting a lot since they’re a 5-star hotel. Let’s skip the entrance hall of the hotel ( I got too excited to take pictures LOL).

Their Hallway on the 5th Floor. A bit creepy without the lights on. But I loved their carpeted floor.

I was excited to open the door of the room. 🙂

I was like “WOW”. I know I feel so ignorant but what can you do. I was smiling A LOT. It was money well spent, I was thinking.

I think this is a King Bed. It’s so huge and so soft!

Okay so I got another angle shot of the bed. What can I do? Can’t get over it. ^_^

Okay time to go back tp the other door I passed, The Bathroom.

I was welcomed with this. Neat! The shower is separate from the Bathtub. Yes, there’s a bathtub 🙂

A very clean bathtub! 🙂

Going to the study, I saw this.

Welcome! ^_^

Our view from our room! (sorry their window is kind of dirty LOL)

Their night lamp. Nortel phone, nice!

a little cam whoring LOL

Here’s a panorama shot of the room 🙂

We went downstairs to check out the pool area. And got this view 🙂 cool isn’t it? 🙂

Here’s a panorama shot of it.

Their pool was a bit small. But it’s kind of deep.

I really enjoyed my stay here at the Acacia Hotel. Made me feel that I am well taken cared of. I will definitely go back and have another rest day. If you’d like to contact and reserve a room from them, you can call them from the numbers I posted below or you can visit their website.

Acacia Hotel  Manila                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5400 East Asia Drive corner Commerce Avenue,
Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang,
Muntinlupa City 1781
Telephone: 720 2000 / 588 5888
Email:                                                                                                                                                                                      Website: